February 24, 2025
Do We Have To Take a Sabbath?
A Weekly Devotional
Is the Sabbath still a thing?
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” – Exodus 20:8
This is one of my biggest struggles! I find that even on my days off, I work. Whether it’s a devotional, message prep, or combing over and reading emails. Not because I half to either.
We live in a 24/7 culture of endless productivity, workaholism, distraction, burnout, and anxiety—a way of life to which we’ve sadly grown accustomed. This constant striving destroys our souls, bodies, relationships, and society. The world is exhausted because humanity has forgotten to enter into God’s rest.
In today’s world, taking a full day of rest seems nearly impossible! We are constantly juggling responsibilities—work, family, ministry, and personal goals. Yet, in this busyness, God calls us to something radically different: REST.
From the beginning, God established a rhythm of work and rest. After creating the heavens and the earth in six days, He rested on the seventh and declared it holy (Genesis 2:2-3). Not because He was weary, but to set a precedent for us. As His image-bearers, we are designed to work but also to rest.
When God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel, He included the Sabbath as a sacred law (Exodus 20:8-11). It was meant to be a reminder of God’s provision and faithfulness, teaching His people to trust Him rather than their efforts.
So, why Do We Struggle to Rest?
- Fear of Falling Behind – We worry that if we take a day off, we won’t accomplish enough.
2. Cultural Expectations – Society values productivity and efficiency, often equating rest with laziness. - A Need for Control – We act as if everything depends on us, forgetting that God is in control.
4. Overcommitment – Our schedules are packed, leaving little room for rest and meaningful connection with God.
Pastor and theologian A.J. Swoboda, in his message Subversive Sabbath, compares the experiences of soldiers returning from World War II and the Vietnam War. After WWII, soldiers returned home by boat, taking weeks to process their experiences with comrades—sharing stories, grieving, and decompressing. In contrast, Vietnam veterans flew home in a matter of days, with no time to reflect, mourn, or heal. Many WWII veterans reintegrated into society with joy, whereas Vietnam veterans struggled with addiction, PTSD, and broken relationships.
Swoboda argues this is a metaphor for our modern lives. Just as soldiers need time to process before reintegrating, we need Sabbath to process life. Without time to reflect, pray, and rest, we become overwhelmed, disconnected, and spiritually malnourished. Sabbath is not just about resting our bodies—it is about restoring our souls.
Embracing Sabbath rest deepens our relationship with God through prayer and worship while renewing our strength and clarity. It fosters trust in God’s provision, strengthens relationships with loved ones, and protects us from burnout, allowing us to live and serve with renewed wholeness. Honoring the Sabbath is about intentional rest and worship. Here are practical ways to cultivate Sabbath rest:
–Set Boundaries – Choose a specific day to refrain from work and unnecessary commitments.
– Engage in Worship – Spend time in prayer, read Scripture, and attend a church service or fellowship gathering.
– Disconnect from Technology – Step away from distractions that keep you in a state of busyness.
– Spend Time with Loved Ones – Strengthen relationships through meals, conversations, and shared activities.
– Rest Without Guilt – Embrace Sabbath as a gift, not a burden.
Jesus: Our Ultimate Rest
While the Old Testament law commanded the Sabbath, Jesus fulfilled its ultimate purpose. In Matthew 11:28, He invites us, saying, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” True Sabbath is found in Christ. He provides eternal rest for our souls, freeing us from the burdens of sin and striving.
Sabbath is not about legalistic rules but about relationship. It is an invitation to step away from the world’s noise and rest in God’s presence. By embracing Sabbath rest, we align ourselves with the rhythm God designed for us—one of work and worship, productivity, and peace.
So, yes, Sabbath is still a thing. What matters most is setting aside dedicated time to rest, worship, and renew our relationship with God. Whether on Saturday, Sunday, or another day, the heart of the Sabbath is trusting in God’s provision and embracing His rest.
So this week, pause. Rest. Trust in God’s provision. Let the Sabbath refresh your soul and draw you closer to Him.