
Lighthouse Recovery Program

Redemption. Recovery. Restoration.

The Lighthouse Recovery Program

The Las Vegas Rescue Mission Lighthouse Recovery Program is a Christian-based, 6 month, residential drug and alcohol treatment program for both men and women, which includes a structured living component and work therapy (Requirements may include the ability to lift 25-50 lbs and being on your feet 6-8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week). Our program is staffed by state licensed clinicians and interns, case management team, and peer support.

Program Design:

Your journey of Redemption, Recovery, and Restoration

We at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission (LVRM) utilize person centered approaches, individualized treatment planning, alongside with Therapeutic Community and Work Therapy. We are happy to have the opportunity to help you make significant changes in your life. Here at the LVRM our goal is to lead you to healing and vibrant relationships with God and others. While you do not have to be a Christian, you must be open to learning from the teachings of Jesus as we combine faith with our recovery. The rehabilitative objective is to help you attain a life of sobriety, to experience a life of peace with God, others and self, and to continue to develop and maintain healthy relationships and life benefiting habits.

At LVRM you will:

1. Attend individual sessions with a counselor
2. Attend individual sessions with a pastor.
3. Attend on-site chapel services and morning devotions.
4. Attend regular group therapy sessions. Group topics may include:
a. Boundaries
b. Trauma and Addictions
c. Relapse Prevention
d. Healthy Communications
e. Stress Management
5. Attend support group meeting such as Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Gamblers Anonymous.
6. Form supportive relationships to help you complete your recovery goals from clients currently in the program and staff.
7. Attend sessions with an experience Case Management and Peer Support Team for personalized support and goal setting.

Spiritual Guidance

One of our primary objectives is to touch as many lives as possible with the love of Jesus Christ. The Mission has a full-time pastor on staff. Daily Bible study classes and sessions are facilitated by caring staff and volunteers.

Before You Arrive

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be sober to enter?
Yes! Please make sure you are clean and sober. If you have used in the past 24-28 hours please seek out medical care first. You may access medical care through emergency rooms in your local hospitals, CrossRoads of Southern Nevada 702-382-7746 or contact your Managed Care Provider (Insurance) to identify an approved Detox Center.

Are there available beds?
Beds are coordinated as a first come first served. We have 111 male beds and 19 female beds.

Am I allowed to work while I am in the program?
No, this is a residential program and you are to live on site and focus on your recovery.

Do I have to be a Christian?
No. We are a faith-based program and you will attend Chapel, Morning Devotions, and biblical groups. While you do not have to be Christian, we ask that you respect that it is a Christian Program. When you reach a certain level in treatment, you can have off site passes to the Church of your choosing.

Am I allowed to have electronics on my person?
No. You are able to bring electronics however they will be locked in our storage room until you graduate.

What can I bring with me when I enter?
Weeks’ worth of clothing, shoes, and any personal hygiene that is alcohol free. If you do not have these items, we can assist.

What am I not allowed to bring?
Personal blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, food, drinks, weapons or unlabeled medication.

Am I allowed to bring a personal vehicle?
No. Due to security and safety concerns, we do not allow personal vehicles of those in our recovery Program to be on property. We will assist with transportation.

Am I allowed to leave property?
When you first enter the program, you will remain on property for roughly 45 days. Please take care of all outside issues prior to entering. Examples of this may be going to storage units, gathering personal belongings, or addressing all your obligations so you can focus on your recovery.
During different program phases, your off-site privileges will change.

What if I have legal or medical issues?
If you have scheduled court dates, please let Recovery Staff know immediately. We will accommodate. If you have a medical emergency after you enter, we will coordinate proper care. Other none emergent appointments should be taken care of prior to entering.

Is there’s a fee for the program?
There are minimal costs for the Lighthouse Recovery Program. All residents receiving any kind of income (ex: disability, SSI) are asked to make monthly payments. Those who do not receive a regular income are required to contribute through their monthly EBT/SNAP. The costs will be explained in our Recovery Application and/or with Recovery Staff. This assist the Mission with your recovery treatment costs, specifically food costs. LVRM currently does not bill insurances. LVRM will not turn away any person for inability to pay.

Am I allowed to have family visitation when I am in the program?
Yes! Visiting may begin in Phase 2 in the program and is restricted to healthy and appropriate support persons and 12 step sponsors (unless pre-approved by counselor in advance of visit). You may discuss in further detail of who’s approved with your counselor or case management team. Visitors will receive an email with instructions by Recovery Staff and have to and follow any current protocols (example: Al-Anon attendance).


What We Use

The Lighthouse Recovery program currently utilizes the following evidence-based practices:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5 TR) -for diagnosing
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)- for placing into a level of care
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Patient Health Questionnaire- Depression
Columbia Suicide Risk
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Therapeutic Community- is a community within the treatment facility in which the community itself, through self-help and mutual support, is the principal means for promoting personal change. Residents and staff participate in the management and operation of the community, contributing to a safe learning environment where CHANGE CAN OCCUR.

Clients participate in group therapy on a weekly basis. SAMHSA defines group therapy as a modality where “clients learn and practice recovery strategies, build interpersonal skills and reinforce and develop social support networks”. Our group topics include:

Program Orientation
Healthy Boundaries
ACE Overcomers
Seeking Safety
Helping Men Recover
Bible 101
SMART Recovery
Transition/ Relapse Prevention.

Helping Men Recover is a gender- based trauma informed treatment program. This curriculum “addresses what is often missing in prevailing treatment modes: a clear understanding of the impact of male socialization on the recovery process, a consideration of the relational needs of men, and a focus on the issues of abuse and trauma.” (Covington ). Seeking Safety ( is a Gender- based, this curriculum also focuses on trauma but emphasizes ways to discontinue the substance use while also implementing strategies to feel safe, letting go of dangerous relationships, and gaining control over unhealthy coping for women.

Being a Christian-based Mission, we offer the
ACE Overcomers Program to break the generational cycle of child abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. The goal is to ensure every man & woman has a fair chance of living healthy and productive lives by helping individuals and parents understand and overcome the effects of trauma through evidence-based classes and curriculum.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program which focuses on all aspects of recovery.  CR uses the traditional twelve steps as well as the 8 principles which come from Jesus’ sermon on the mount. Everything we do at CR is centered on Jesus and His ability to help us with all of our hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

External Help Links

Support Groups

In conjunction with treatment, we also partner with Hospitals and Institutions for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous., SMART Recovery and GA, Al-Anon Family Group, LGBTQ Crisis and Support Resources, Las Vegas Paiute Tribe HHS

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